Resistance and Fear / Resistencia y miedo
Resistance and Fear / Resistencia y miedo
For Latin American and Latina women, the relationship between the body and violence is central. Dictatorships and repressive apparatuses created structures of institutional control to restrict bodies, including illegal detention, imprisonment, and torture. Women were particularly vulnerable under dictatorships, and some artists were imprisoned or forced into exile. With unapologetic force, the artists featured in this section addressed the status of the female body in the face of the extreme violence practiced by oppressive political regimes. As powerful expressions of political resistance, these works stand against official methods of instilling fear and record traumatic events that official archives have failed to document.
Para las mujeres latinoamericanas y Latinas, la relación entre el cuerpo y la violencia es central. Dictaduras y aparatos represivos crearon estructuras de control institucional para restringir los cuerpos, inducir detenciones ilegales, encarcelamientos y tortura. Las mujeres han sido particularmente vulnerables bajo regímenes dictatoriales, siendo algunas de ellas, artistas, encarceladas o forzadas al exilio. Con una fuerza sin restricciones, las artistas de esta sección se aproximan al status del cuerpo femenino bajo la extrema violencia practicada por regímenes políticos opresivos. Como poderosas expresiones de resistencia política, estas obras se levantan en contra de métodos de intimidación oficial, y registran sucesos traumáticos que los archivos oficiales han omitido documentar.
Sonia Gutiérrez, Y con unos lazos me izaron (And they lifted me up with rope), 1977
María Evelia Marmolejo, Anónimo 4 (Cuestiono que venir al mundo donde no hay beneficios ni tranquilidad para el recién nacido en una sociedad donde cada año, mueren 11 mil niños por hambre en América latina) (Anonymous 4 [I question coming into a world where there are no benef…, 1984
Carmela Gross, Presunto (Ham [slang for corpse]), 1968
Ana Mendieta, Rape Scene, 1973
Margarita Paksa, Toma del batallón 601 (The capture of battalion 601), from the series Diagramas de batallas (Battle diagrams), 1975
Catalina Parra, Diario de vida (Diary of life), 1977
Nelbia Romero, Sal-si-puedes (Get out if you can), 1983
Lotty Rosenfeld, Una milla de cruces sobre el pavimento (A mile of crosses on the pavement), 1979
Gracia Barrios, América no invoco tu nombre en vano (America, I don't invoke your name in vain), 1970
Luz Donoso, Huincha sin fin (Endless band), 1978
Sara Modiano, Untitled, from the series Desaparece una cultura (A culture disappears), 1980–84
Antonia Eiriz, Figuras (Figures), 1965
Gloria Camiruaga, Popsicles, 1982–84
Graciela Carnevale, Acción del encierro (Lock-up action), 1968
Diana Dowek, Procedimiento (Procedure), 1974
Diana Dowek, Paisaje con retrovisor II (Landscape with side view mirror II), 1975
Iole de Freitas, Glass Pieces, Life Slices, 1976
Anna Maria Maiolino, É o que sobra (What is left over), from the series Fotopoemação (Photo poem action), 1973–2017
Anna Maria Maiolino, X, from the series Fotopoemação (Photo poem action), 1973–2017
Ana Vitória Mussi, A arma (The weapon), from the series Trajetória do osso (Trajectory of a bone), 1968
Ana Vitória Mussi, Achados e perdidos (Found and lost), from the series Jornais (Newspapers), 1970
Ana Vitória Mussi, Anuncios (Announcements), from the series Jornais (Newspapers), 1970
Ana Vitória Mussi, Mundo teatral (Theatrical world), from the series Jornais (Newspapers), 1970
Regina Silveira, A arte de desenhar (The art of drawing), from the series A arte de desenhar, 1980–2011, 1980
Regina Silveira, A arte de desenhar (The art of drawing), from the series A arte de desenhar, 1980–2011, 1982
Catalina Parra, Cicatriz (Scar), 1977
Catalina Parra, Imbunche gigante (Giant imbunche), 1977
Sonia Gutiérrez, Cimitarra: Vivo o muerto al aeropuerto (Cimitarra: Live or dead at the airport), 1976
Sonia Gutiérrez, Más allá del estado de sitio (Beyond the state of siege), 1976
Sonia Gutiérrez, Operación rastrillo (Search operation), 1976
Sonia Gutiérrez, Seguiremos diciendo patria (We’ll keep saying homeland), 1972
María Evelia Marmolejo, Anónimo 1 (Homenaje a los desaparecidos y torturados dentro de los hechos violentos) (Anonymous 1 [Homage to those disappeared and tortured in violent incidents]), 1981
Olga Blinder, From the series Los torturados (The tortured), ca. 1970
Olga Blinder, From the series Los torturados (The tortured), ca. 1970
Nelbia Romero, Sin título (Untitled), 1983
Margarita Paksa, Uruguay, una situación fuera de foco, Tupamaros (Uruguay, an out-of-focus situation, Tupamaros), from the series Situaciones fuera de foco (Out-of-focus situations), 1966
Margarita Paksa, Victoria siempre (Victory forever), from the series Diagramas de batallas (Battle diagrams), 1972
Margarita Paksa, Tucumán el Vietnam Argentino (Tucumán, the Argentine Vietnam), from the series Diagramas de batallas (Battle diagrams), 1976
Margarita Paksa, Silencio II (Silence II), 1967/2010
Antonia Eiriz, Testigos (Witnesses), ca. 1967