Social Places / Lugares sociales
Social Places / Lugares sociales
The artworks in this section assert that the social is personal and therefore politically constituted. Many of the artists speak for or represent the "other," either by inhabiting other identities, interacting with marginalized peoples, or experiencing the other in the self. Their works seek to give agency to disenfranchised groups such as transgender people, oppressed women and individuals, indigenous people, the disabled, and those who were targeted by dictatorial regimes or repressive societies. The artists neither objectify nor victimize their subjects. Their perspectives are engaged, critical, political, and imaginative.
Las obras que conforman esta sección afirman que lo social es personal, y por ende, políticamente constituido. Muchas de las artistas hablan por o representan al "otro", bien sea habitando/ocupando otras identidades, interactuando con personas marginadas o experimentando el otro en sí mismas. Sus obras intentan otorgarle voz a grupos marginados y privados de derechos tales como personas transgénero, mujeres e individuos oprimidos, indígenas, discapacitados y todos aquellos que fueron víctimas de regímenes dictatoriales o sociedades represivas. Las artistas no cosifican o victimizan a sus sujetos. Sus perspectivas son comprometidas, críticas, políticas e imaginativas.
Isabel Castro, From the series Women under Fire, 1980
Victoria Cabezas, Sin título (Untitled), 1973
Nirma Zárate, A nosotros (To us), 1971
Clemencia Lucena, Preclara dama, altísima cifra de rancio abolengo y vasta cul (Illustrious lady of noble birth and vast cul), 1970
Nirma Zárate, Ocho intoxicados (Eight poisoned), 1971
Nirma Zárate, Una niña muere por inanición (A girl dies of starvation), 1971
Anna Bella Geiger, Brasil nativo, Brasil alienígena (Native Brazil, alien Brazil), 1977
Graciela Gutiérrez Marx, Grupo de familia, Reconstrucción del mito (Family group, reconstruction of the myth), 1980
Narcisa Hirsch, Marabunta (Swarm), 1967
Paz Errázuriz, Evelyn, from the series La manzana de Adán (Adam's apple), 1982–90
Diamela Eltit, Zona de dolor II (Zone of pain II), 1981
Claudia Andujar, Horizontal 2, from the series Marcados (Marked), 1981–83
Claudia Andujar, Medical card, from the series Marcados (Marked), 1981–83
Celia Álvarez Muñoz, La Honey (Enlightenment #9), 1983
Poli Marichal, Los espejismos de Mandrágora Luna (Mandrágora Luna's phantoms), 1986
Marta Minujín, La menesunda (Mayhem), 1965
Marcia Schvartz, Les veines / Las vecinas (The neighbors), 1980
Marcia Schvartz, Doña concha (Doña shell), 1981
Letícia Parente, Tarefa 1 (Chore 1), 1982
Sybil Brintrup, Magali Meneses, La comida (The meal), 1983
Paz Errázuriz, Macarena, from the series La manzana de Adán (Adam’s apple), 1982–90
Paz Errázuriz, La palmera (The palm tree), from the series La manzana de Adán (Adam’s apple), 1982–90
Paz Errázuriz, Pricila y Leyla (Pricila and Leyla), from the series La manzana de Adán (Adam’s apple), 1982–90
Beatriz González, Canción de cuna (Lullaby), 1970
Beatriz González, Botticelli Wash and Wear, 1976
Clemencia Lucena, Qué hacen ellas mientras ellos trabajan? (What are the women doing while the men are at work?), 1970
Clemencia Lucena, Sin título (Untitled), 1971
Ximena Cuevas, Las tres muertes de Lupe (The three deaths of Lupe), 1984
Patssi Valdez, Hot Pink, 1980
Barbara Carrasco, Censorship, 1984
Graciela Iturbide, La niña del peine, Juchitán, México (Girl with hair comb, Juchitán, Mexico), 1979
Graciela Iturbide, Rosa, Juchitán, México, 1979
Graciela Iturbide, Magnolia, Juchitán, México, 1986
Sandra Eleta, Carmen, España (Carmen, Spain), from the series La servidumbre (Servitude), 1978–89
Sandra Eleta, Edita (la del plumero), Panamá (Edita [the one with the feather duster], Panama), from the series La servidumbre (Servitude), 1978–89
Sandra Eleta, La platería, Panamá (The silversmith, Panama), from the series La servidumbre (Servitude), 1978–89
Lourdes Grobet, La Briosa, from the series La doble lucha (The double struggle), 1981–2005
Lourdes Grobet, La Venus, from the series La doble lucha (The double struggle), 1981–2005
Alicia d'Amico, Sara Facio, Humanario, 1976