Few people were familiar with the expression “under water” before the mortgage crisis that very nearly toppled our economy and destroyed countless lives. Ramin Bahrani, who in earlier films sensitively captured the life of a Pakistani-born street cart vendor (Man Push Cart) and coming of age in the auto-body repair shops of Willets Point, Queens (Chop Shop), here relates a Faustian saga of greed and corruption in Orlando, Florida, as a predatory real-estate broker (a chillingly charismatic Michael Shannon) forecloses on a bankrupt construction worker (a morally shaded Andrew Garfield), and then lures him into working in his shady business.
Michael Shannon was previously scheduled for a Q&A but will no longer be in attendance. Stay tuned for updates about a new speaker.
Learn more about the film.
99 Homes. 2014. USA. Directed by Ramin Bahrani. Photo credit: Courtesy of Broad Green Pictures. 112 min.
$15 General Admission
$10 Hammer Members with valid discount code
Advanced, online ticket sales for this film are closed. On-site tickets are available the night of the screening on a first-come, first-served basis. Box office opens 1 hour prior to screening start time.
Tickets can be picked up starting at 6:30 p.m. the night of the screening. Any unclaimed tickets will be released at 7:15 p.m. A standby line for a limited number of tickets will be available the night of the program.
Refunds cannot be provided.
Attending this Program?
Location: Billy Wilder Theater at the Hammer Museum
Parking: Under the museum, $3 flat rate after 6 p.m. (cash or check only)
Food and Drink: Enjoy happy hour in our open courtyard café, AMMO at the Hammer beginning at 4 p.m. Food and drink may not be carried into the Billy Wilder Theater.
Membership: Members receive a discount on tickets and priority seating. Sign up for membership today, and you’ll receive a discount code for The Contenders with your confirmation email.
This film program is organized by Rajendra Roy, The Celeste Bartos Chief Curator of Film, and Sean Egan, Producer, Film Exhibitions and Projects, The Museum of Modern Art, New York.
The Hammer Museum’s presentation is made possible by The Billy and Audrey L. Wilder Foundation.
Media sponsorship is provided by The Hollywood Reporter.