The Hammer Museum and Lulu restaurant will be closed to the public on Tuesday, December 24 and Wednesday, December 25.


This bibliography originally appeared in the printed exhibition catalogue, Take It or Leave It: Institution, Image, IdeologyThe catalogue is available online at the Hammer Store

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Theory and History

Balk, Dennis. Colin de Land: American Fine Arts. New York: PowerHouse, 2008.

Barthes, Roland. Image, Music, Text. Translated by Stephen Heath. New York: Noonday, 1977.

Berlant, Lauren Gail. Cruel Optimism. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2011.

Bhabha, Homi K. The Location of Culture. London: Routledge, 1994.

Bourdieu, Pierre. The Field of Cultural Production: Essays on Art and Literature. Edited by Randal Johnson. New York: Columbia University Press, 1993.

Brenson, Michael. Visionaries and Outcasts: The NEA, Congress, and the Place of the Visual Artist in America. New York: New Press, 2001.

Bryan-Wilson, Julia. Art Workers: Radical Practice in the Vietnam War Era. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2009.

Buchloh, Benjamin H. D. Neo-Avantgarde and Culture Industry: Essays on European and American Art from 1955 to 1975. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2000.

Bürger, Peter. Theory of the Avant-Garde. Translated by Michael Shaw. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1984.

Butler, Judith. Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. London: Routledge, 1990.

Crimp, Douglas. Melancholia and Moralism: Essays on AIDS and Queer Politics. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2002.

————. On the Museum's Ruins. With photo­graphs by Louise Lawler. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1993.

Crimp, Douglas, with Adam Rolston. AIDS Demo Graphics. Seattle: Bay Press, 1990.

Doyle, Jennifer. Hold It against Me: Difficulty and Emotion in Contemporary Art. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2013.

English, Darby. How to See a Work of Art in Total Darkness. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2007.

Foster, Hal. Recodings: Art, Spectacle, Cultural Politics. Port Townsend, WA: Bay Press, 1985.

————. The Return of the Real: The Avant-garde at the End of the Century. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1996.

Foucault, Michel. The Archaeology of Knowledge. Translated by A. M. Sheridan Smith. New York: Pantheon, 1972.

————. The History of Sexuality. Vol. 1, An Introduction. Vol. 2, The Use of Pleasure. Vol. 3, The Care of the Self. Translated by Robert Hurley. New York: Vintage, 1988–90.

Gordon, Avery F. Keeping Good Time: Reflections on Knowledge, Power, and People. Boulder, CO: Paradigm, 2004.

Hall, Stuart. Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices. London: Sage, 1997.

Herz, Richard. Jack Goldstein and the CalArts Mafia. Ojai, CA: Minneola, 2003.

hooks, bell. Art on My Mind: Visual Politics. New York: New Press, 1995.

Krauss, Rosalind. The Originality of the Avant-garde and Other Modernist Myths. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1985.

Kwon, Miwon. One Place after Another: Site-Specific Art and Locational Identity. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2002.

Laplanche, Jean. Essays on Otherness. Edited by John Fletcher. London: Routledge, 1999.

Martin, Bradford. The Other Eighties: A Secret History of America in the Age of Reagan. New York: Hill & Wang, 2011.

Massumi, Brian. Parables for the Virtual: Movement, Affect, Sensation. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2002.

Meltzer, Eve. Systems We Have Loved: Conceptual Art, Affect, and the Antihumanist Turn. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2013.

Mercer, Kobena. Welcome to the Jungle: New Positions in Black Cultural Studies. London: Routledge, 1994.

Mitchell, Juliet. Psychoanalysis and Feminism: A Radical Reassessment of Freudian Psychoanalysis. New York: Basic Books, 1974.

————. Siblings: Sex and Violence. Cambridge: Polity, 2003.

Mitchell, Juliet, and Jacqueline Rose, eds. Feminine Sexuality: Jacques Lacan and the école freudienne. Translated by Jacqueline Rose. New York: Norton, 1982.

Mulvey, Laura. Visual and Other Pleasures. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1989.

Ngai, Sianne. Ugly Feelings. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2005.

Owens, Craig. Beyond Recognition: Representa­tion, Power, and Culture. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994.

Schulman, Sarah. The Gentrification of the Mind: Witness to a Lost Imagination. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2012.

————. My American History: Lesbian and Gay Life during the Reagan/Bush Years. New York: Routledge, 1994.

Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky. Touching Feeling: Affect, Pedagogy, Performativity. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2003.

Sholette, Gregory. Dark Matter: Art and Politics in the Age of Enterprise Culture. London: Pluto, 2011.

Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. A Critique of Postcolonial Reason: Toward a History of the Vanishing Present. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1999.

————. In Other Worlds: Essays in Cultural Politics. London: Routledge, 1988.

Steiner, Wendy. The Scandal of Pleasure: Art in an Age of Fundamentalism. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997.

Tate, Greg. Flyboy in the Buttermilk: Essays on Contemporary America. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992.

Warner, Michael. Publics and Counterpublics. New York: Zone, 1995



Artists' Writings and Interviews

Asher, Michael. Writings, 1973–1983, on Works, 1969–1979. Edited by Benjamin H. D. Buchloh. Halifax: Press of the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design; Los Angeles: Museum of Contemporary Art, 1983.

Barry, Judith. "The Body in Space," "What is Architecture?," "Archive Fever," and "The World Made Visible." In Judith Barry: Body without Limits. Exhibition catalogue. Salamanca, Spain: Fundación Salamanca Ciudad de la Cultura, 2009, 21–63.

Bender, Gretchen. Interview by Cindy Sherman. Bomb, no. 18 (Winter 1987): 20–25.

————. Interview by Peter Doroshenko. In Gretchen Bender: Work, 1981–1991, by Peter Doroshenko, 4–11. Syracuse, NY: Everson Museum of Art, 1991.

Birnbaum, Dara. Rough Edits: Popular Image Video Works, 1977–1980. Edited by Benjamin H. D. Buchloh. Halifax: Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, 1987.

Birnbaum, Dara, and Obrist, Hans Ulrich. "Conversations." In Dara Birnbaum: The Dark Matter of Media Light. Edited by Karen Kelly, Barbara Schröder, and Giel Vandecaveye. Exhibition catalogue. Ghent, Belgium: Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst; Porto, Portugal: Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Serralves; Munich: DelMonico Books • Prestel, 2011.

Blake, Nayland. "Art, Pleasure, and Community" (interview by Anne Barclay Morgan). Art Papers 19 (July–August 1995): 8–11.

————. Interview by Rachel Harrison. Bomb, no. 105 (Fall 2008): 44–53

Bordowitz, Gregg. The AIDS Crisis Is Ridiculous and Other Writings, 1986–2003. Edited by James Meyer. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2004.

————. General Idea: Imagevirus. London: Afterall, 2010.

Burr, Tom. "Tom Burr Talks About Addict-Love" (introduction by Joshua Decter). Artforum 46 (February 2008): 258–61.

————. "A Way into the Unconscious of Objects" (conversation with Gianni Jetzer). Spike, no. 30 (Winter 2011): 62–73.

Dion, Mark. Interview by Miwon Kwon. In Mark Dion, by Lisa Corrin, Miwon Kwon, and Norman Bryson, 8–35. London: Phaidon, 1997.

Durham, Jimmie. Columbus Day. Albuquerque, NM: West End Press, 1993.

Fraser, Andrea. Andrea Fraser: Texts, Scripts, Transcripts. Edited by Carla Cugini. Exhibition catalogue. Cologne: Museum Ludwig and König, 2013.

————. Museum Highlights: The Writings of Andrea Fraser. Edited by Alexander Alberro. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2005.

Gober, Robert. Interview by Craig Gholson. Bomb, no. 29 (Fall 1989): 32–37.

————. Interview by Richard Flood. In Robert Gober. Edited by Judith Nesbitt, 8–14. London: Serpentine Gallery; Liverpool, UK: Tate Gallery, 1993.

Gonzalez-Torres, Felix. "Felix Gonzalez-Torres: All the Time in the World" (interview by Robert Nickas). Flash Art 24 (November– December 1991): 86–89.

————. "Felix Gonzalez-Torres: Être un espion" (interview by Robert Storr). Art Press, no. 198 (January 1995): 24–32.

————. Interview by Tim Rollins. In Felix Gonzalez-Torres, edited by William S. Bartman, 5–31. Los Angeles: A.R.T. Press, 1993.

Green, Renée. Renée Green: Between and Including. Exhibition catalogue, Secession, Vienna. Cologne: Dumont, 2001.

————. "Various Identities: A Conversation with Renée Green" (interview by Russell Ferguson). In World Tour, edited by Russell Ferguson, E52–E61. Exhibition catalogue. Los Angeles: Museum of Contemporary Art, 1993.

Group Material. Democracy: A Project by Group Material. Edited by Brian Wallis. Seattle: Bay Press, 1990.

Holzer, Jenny. Interview by Joan Simon. In Jenny Holzer, by David Joselit, Joan Simon, and Renata Salecl, 8–39. London: Phaidon, 1998.

Kelley, Mike. Foul Perfection: Essays and Criticism. Edited by John C. Welchman. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2003.

————. Interviews, Conversations, and Chit-chat, 1986–2004. Edited by John C. Welchman. Zurich: JRP Ringier; Dijon, France: Presses du Réel, 2005.

————. Minor Histories: Statements, Conversa­tions, Proposals. Edited by John C. Welchman. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2004.

Kelly, Mary. Imaging Desire. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1998.

————. Post-Partum Document. Berkeley: Univer­sity of California Press, by arrangement with Generali Foundation, Vienna, 1999.

————. Rereading Post-Partum Document. Edited by Sabine Breitwieser. Exhibition catalogue. Vienna: Generali Foundation, 1999.

Kolbowski, Silvia. "Hal Foster Interviews Silvia Kolbowski." In Silvia Kolbowski: Inadequate . . . Like . . . Power, 149–68. Exhibition catalogue. Cologne: König, 2005.

————. "Models of Intervention: A Discussion between Michèle Thériault and Silvia Kolbowski." In Silvia Kolbowski: Nothing and Everything, edited by Michèle Thériault, 41–52. Exhibition catalogue. Montreal: Leonard & Bina Ellen Art Gallery, Concordia University, 2009.

Kruger, Barbara. Remote Control: Power, Culture, and the World of Appearances. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1994.

Lawler, Louise. Interview by Martha Buskirk. October, no. 70 (Fall 1994): 104–8.

————. "Prominence Given, Authority Taken: An Interview with Louise Lawler by Douglas Crimp." Grey Room, no. 4 (Summer 2001): 70–81.

Lawson, Thomas. Mining for Gold: Selected Writings (1979–1996). Edited by Lionel Bovier and Fabrice Stroun. Zurich: JRP Ringier, 2004.

Leavitt, William. Interview by Erik Bluhm. In William Leavitt: Theater Objects, edited by Ann Goldstein and Bennett Simpson, 129–33. Exhibition catalogue. Los Angeles: Museum of Contemporary Art, 2011.

————. "William Leavitt: Cutaway View" (interview by Hans Ulrich Obrist and Stuart Comer, with an introduction by John Baldessari). Mousse, no. 27 (February– March 2011): 48–57.

Leonard, Zoe. Interview by Laura Cottingham. Journal of Contemporary Art 6 (Summer 1993): 64–77.

————. "Zoe Leonard Interviewed by Anna Blume." In Secession: Zoe Leonard. Vienna: Wiener Secession, 1997.

Levine, Sherrie. Interview by Martha Buskirk. October 70 (Fall 1994): 98–103.

————. "Sherrie Levine Plays with Paul Taylor." Flash Art, no. 135 (June 1987): 55–59.

————. "Sherrie Levine Talks to Howard Singerman." Artforum 41 (April 2003): 190–91.

Ligon, Glenn. Yourself in the World: Selected Writings and Interviews. Edited by Scott Rothkopf. New Haven: Yale University Press; New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 2011.

McCarthy, Paul. Interview by Chrissie Iles. In Paul McCarthy: Central Symmetrical Rotation Movement; Three Installations, Two Films, by Chrissie Iles, 57–66. Exhibition catalogue. New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 2008.

————. Interview by Kristine Stiles. In Paul McCarthy, by Ralph Rugoff, Kristine Stiles, and Giacinto Di Pietrantonio, 8–29. London: Phaidon, 1996.

McCollum, Allan. "A Conversation with Allan McCollum: Mass-Producing Individual Works" (interview by Jade Dellinger), Sculpture 32 (March 2013): 44–49.

————. "Interviews with Allan McCollum (1995/2008)." In Allan McCollum, edited by Rhea Anastas, 88–97. Zurich: JRP Ringier, 2012.

Miller, John. The Price Club: Selected Writings (1977–1998). Edited by Lionel Bovier. Geneva: JRP; Dijon, France: Presses du Réel, 2000.

————. The Ruin of Exchange and Other Writings on Art. Edited by Alexander Alberro. Zurich: JRP Ringier, 2012.

Mullican, Matt. Matt Mullican: Im Gesprach / Conversations. Edited by Ulrich Wilmes. Exhibition catalogue, Haus der Kunst. Cologne: Dumont, 2011.

Noland, Cady. Interview by Michèle C. Cone. Journal of Contemporary Art 3, no. 2 (1990): 22–23.

Piper, Adrian. Out of Order, Out of Sight. Vol. 1, Selected Writings in Meta-Art, 1968–1992. Vol. 2, Selected Writings in Art Criticism, 1967–1992. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1996.

Prina, Stephen. Interview by Annette Südbeck. In Stephen Prina: As He Remembered It, edited by Annette Südbeck, 94–99. Vienna: Wiener Secession, 2011.

————. "Stephen Prina: In the Studio" (interview by Steel Stillman). Art in America 101 (May 2013): 150–59.

Rosler, Martha. Decoys and Disruptions: Selected Writings, 1975–2001. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press; New York: International Center of Photography, 2004.

————. If You Lived Here: The City in Art, Theory, and Social Activism. Edited by Brian Wallis. Seattle: Bay Press, 1991.

Siegel, Jeanne, ed. Art Talk: The Early 80s. New York: Da Capo, 1990.

Steinbach, Haim. "Not a Readymade" (interview by Anthony Huberman). Mousse, no. 36 (December 2012–January 2013): 98–105.

————. "The Thing in Search of Company" (interview with Valentin Rauer). In Haim Steinbach: North, East, South, West, 71–78. Exhibition catalogue, Neuer Berliner Kunstverein. Ostfildern, Germany: Hatje Cantz, 2000.

Tiravanija, Rirkrit, and Hans Ulrich Obrist. Rirkrit Tiravanija. The Conversation Series, no. 20. Cologne: König, 2011.

Williams, Christopher. "As We Speak" (interview by Willem de Rooij and Jörg Heiser). Frieze, no. 134 (October 2010): 178–87.

Williams, Sue. Interview by Josefina Ayerza. Lacanian Ink, no. 7 (Spring–Summer 1993): 110–16.

————. "Nate Lowman Interviews Sue Williams," Art in America, September 17, 2010. http://www.artinamericamagazine. com/news-features/previews/ nate-lowman-sue-williams-303/.

Wilson, Fred. Fred Wilson: A Critical Reader. Edited by Doro Globus. London: Ridinghouse, 2011.

————. Interview by Martha Buskirk. October, no. 70 (Fall 1994): 109–12.

Wojnarowicz, David. Close to the Knives: A Memoir of Disintegration. New York: Vintage, 1991.



Exhibition Catalogues

The Art of Memory: The Loss of History. New York: New Museum of Contemporary Art, 1985. Artists' writings and essays by David Deitcher, Tina Lhotsky, William Olander, Abigail Solomon-Godeau, and Reese Williams.

A Brokerage of Desire. Los Angeles: Otis Art Institute of Parsons School of Design, 1986.

Cooper, Shawna, and Karli Wurzelbacher, eds. Times Square Show Revisited: Accounts of the Landmark 1980 Exhibition. New York: Hunter College, 2012.

Crimp, Douglas. Pictures. New York: Committee for the Visual Arts, 1977.

Damaged Goods: Desire and the Economy of the Object. New York: New Museum of Contemporary Art, 1986. Essays by Brian Wallis and artists.

Difference: On Representation and Sexuality. New York: New Museum of Contemporary Art, 1984. Essays by Kate Linker, Craig Owens, Jacqueline Rose, Lisa Tickner, Jane Weinstock, and Peter Wollen.

Eklund, Douglas. The Pictures Generation, 1974–1984. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art; New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2009.

Fox, Howard. Avant-garde in the Eighties. Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1987.

Goldstein, Ann, and Mary Jane Jacob, eds. A Forest of Signs: Art in the Crisis of Representation. Los Angeles: Museum of Contemporary Art; Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1989. With contributions by Ann Goldstein, Mary Jane Jacob, Richard Koshalek, Ann Rorimer, and Howard Singerman.

Heiferman, Marvin, and Lisa Phillips with John Hanhardt. Image World: Art and Media Culture. New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1989.

Meyer, James. What Happened to the Institutional Critique? New York: American Fine Arts, 1993.

Molesworth, Helen. This Will Have Been: Art, Love, and Politics in the 1980s. Chicago: Museum of Contemporary Art; New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2012.

Princenthal, Nancy, ed. The Deconstructive Impulse: Women Artists Reconfigure the Signs of Power, 1973–1991. Purchase: Neuberger Museum of Art, Purchase College, State University of New York; New York: DelMonico Books • Prestel, 2011. Essays by Tom McDonough, Griselda Pollock, Helaine Posner, Nancy Princenthal, and Kristine Stiles.

Whitney Biennial 1993. New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1993. Essays by Elisabeth Sussman, Thelma Golden, John Hanhardt, and Lisa Phillips. With contributions by Homi K. Bhabha, Coco Fusco, B. Ruby Rich, and Avital Ronell.



Anthologies and General Resources

Alberro, Alexander, and Sabeth Buchmann, eds. Art after Conceptual Art. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press; Vienna: Generali Foundation, 2006.

Alberro, Alexander, and Blake Stimson, eds. Conceptual Art: A Critical Anthology. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1999.

————, eds. Institutional Critique: An Anthology of Artists' Writings. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2009.

Allen, Gwen. Artists' Magazines: An Alternative Space for Art. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2011.

Anastas, Rhea, and Michael Brenson, eds. Witness to Her Art: Art and Writings by Adrian Piper, Mona Hatoum, Cady Noland, Jenny Holzer, Kara Walker, Daniela Rossell, and Eau de Cologne. Annandale-on-Hudson, NY: Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College, 2006.

Armstrong, Carol, and Catherine de Zegher, eds. Women Artists at the Millennium. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2006.

Ault, Julie, ed. Alternative Art New York, 1965–1985. New York: Drawing Center; Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press, 2002.

————, ed. Show and Tell: A Chronicle of Group Material. London: Four Corners, 2010.

Bender, Gretchen, and Timothy Druckrey, eds. Culture on the Brink: Ideologies of Technology. Seattle: Bay Press, 1994.

Bolton, Richard, ed. Culture Wars: Documents from the Recent Controversies in the Arts. New York: New Press, 1992.

Butt, Gavin, ed. After Criticism: New Responses to Art and Performance. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2005.

Foster, Hal. The Anti-aesthetic: Essays on Postmodern Culture. Port Townsend, WA: Bay Press, 1983.

Gregg, Melissa, and Gregory J. Seigworth, eds. The Affect Theory Reader. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2010.

Hanhardt, John, ed. Video Culture: A Critical Investigation. Layton, UT: Peregrine Smith; Rochester, NY: Visual Studies Workshop Press, 1986.

Katzeff, Miriam, Tom Lawson, and Susan Morgan, eds. REAL LIFE Magazine: Selected Writings and Projects, 1979–1994. New York: Primary Information, 2006.

Kocur, Zoya, and Simon Leung. Theory in Contemporary Art since 1985. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2005.

Krauss, Rosalind, Annette Michelson, Douglas Crimp, and Joan Copjec, eds. October: The First Decade. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1987.

Krauss, Rosalind, Annette Michelson, Yve-Alain Bois, Benjamin H. D. Buchloh, Hal Foster, Denis Hollier, and Silvia Kolbowski, eds. October: The Second Decade, 1986–1996. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1997.

Kruger, Barbara, and Phil Mariani, eds. Remaking History. Seattle: Bay Press, 1989.

Mercer, Kobena, ed. Exiles, Diasporas, and Strangers. London: Iniva, Institute of International Visual Arts; Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2008.

Möntmann, Nina, ed. Art and Its Institutions: Current Conflicts, Critique, and Collaborations. London: Black Dog, 2006.

Sewall, Gilbert T. The Eighties: A Reader. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1997.

Welchman, John, ed. Art after Appropriation: Essays on Art in the 1990s. Amsterdam: G+B Arts International, 2001.

————, ed. Institutional Critique and After. Zurich: JRP Ringier, 2006.

Wallis, Brian, ed. Art after Modernism: Rethinking Representation. New York: New Museum of Contemporary Art; Boston: Godine, 1984.

————, ed. Blasted Allegories: An Anthology of Writings by Contemporary Artists. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1989.