Untitled (Facial Hair Transplants), by Ana Mendieta, 1972

Ana Mendieta, Artist
Untitled (Facial Hair Transplants) , 1972

Suite of seven estate color photographs
Four sheets: 13 1/4 × 20 in. (33.7 × 50.8 cm); three sheets: 20 × 13 1/4 in. (50.8 × 33.7 cm)
Credit Line
Courtesy of The Estate of Ana Mendieta Collection, LLC, and Galerie Lelong, New York

In Untitled (Facial Hair Transplants), Ana Mendieta activated a cultural conception of the body. By gluing her friend's beard onto her (female) face, she highlighted the fact that sexual classifications are social conventions that frame and overdetermine sexualities. By staging a mutant sexual identification, the artist problematized those classifications and disrupted the normative models of beauty by which society operates, differentiating between the feminine and the masculine.

En Untitled (Facial Hair Transplants) (Sin título [Transplante de vello facial]), Ana Mendieta activa un concepto cultural del cuerpo. Al intervenir su rostro femenino pegando la barba de su amigo, ella pone en escena que las clasificaciones sexuales son convenciones sociales que encuadran las sexualidades sobre determinándolas. Ella logra problematizar tales clasificaciones poniendo en escena rasgos de una identificación sexual mutante que, simultáneamente, interviene los modelos de belleza que la sociedad normativiza en la diferenciación de lo femenino y lo masculino.