The museum is currently closed due to the ongoing nearby fires. We will reopen on Saturday, January 18.

The Hammer is proud to support the L.A. Arts Community Fire Relief Fund. Donate now to help artists and art workers impacted by the devastating Los Angeles fires.


This bibliography compiles books and essays referenced by curators in researching Now Dig This!, as well as other materials relevant to the exhibition's subject matter. Resources related to individual artists can be found on their artist pages.

Amos, India, Judy Blum, and James V. Hatch, eds. Artist and Influence, vols. 16, 18, 19, and 23. New York: Hatch-Billops Collection, 1997–2009.

Barnwell, Andrea D. The David C. Driskell Series of African American Art Volume I: Charles White. San Francisco: Pomegranate, 2002.

Boutoux, Thomas, Andre Lepecki, and Stephanie Rosenthal. Robin Rhode: Walk Off. Munich, Germany: Haus der Kunst Gallery, 2007.

Bowles, John P. Adrian Piper: Race, Gender and Embodiment. Durham, N.C., and London: Duke University Press, 2011.

Butler, Connie. "This Is Art—These People Are Artists: 'Pacific Standard Time,' Conceptual Art, and Other Momentous Events from a Local Point of View." Art Journal 71, no. 1 (2012): 88–105.

Campbell, Mary Schmidt, comp. Tradition and Conflict: Images of a Turbulent Decade. New York: Studio Museum in Harlem, 1985.

Carpenter, Jane H., and Betye Saar. The David C. Driskell Series of African American Art Volume II: Betye Saar. San Francisco: Pomegranate, 2003.

Chapple, Reginald. "From Central Avenue to Leimert Park: The Shifting Center of Black Los Angeles." In Black Los Angeles: American Dreams and Racial Realities, 60–80. Edited by Darnell Hunt and Ana-Christina Ramon. New York: New York University Press, 2010.

Chassin Goldbaum, Karen, ed. Betye Saar: Extending the Frozen Moment. Los Angeles: UCLA Press, 2006.

Chicago, Judy, and Miriam Schapiro. "A Feminist Art Program." Art Journal 31, no. 1 (Autumn 1971): 48–49.

Collins, Lisa, and Margo Crawford. New Thoughts on the Black Arts Movement. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 2006.

Collins, Lisa Gail. "Activists Who Yearn for Art That Transforms: Parallels in the Black Arts and Feminist Art Movements in the United States." Signs 31, no. 3 (Spring 2006): 717–52.

———. The Art of History: African-American Women Artists Engage the Past. New Brunswick, N.J., and London: Rutgers University Press, 2002.

Collins, Patricia Hill. "Black Feminist Thought in the Matrix of Domination." In Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment, 221–38. Boston: Unwin Hyman, 1990.

Conrad, David. "Community Murals as Democratic Art and Education." Journal of Aesthetic Education 29, no. 1 (Spring 1995): 98–102.

Cooks, Bridget R. "Black Artists and Activism: Harlem on My Mind (1969)." American Studies 48, no. 1 (Spring 2007): 5–39.

Cottingham, Laura. Seeing Through the Seventies: Essays on Feminism and Art. Australia: G+B Arts International, 2000.

Driskell, David C. Two Centuries of Black American Art. Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1976.

Ellegood, Anne, and Douglas Fogle. All of This and Nothing. Los Angeles: Hammer Museum and New York: DelMonico Books, 2011.

Frascina, Francis. "'There' and 'Here,' 'Then' and 'Now': The Los Angeles Artists' Tower of Protest (1966) and Its Legacy." In Art, Politics, and Dissent: Aspects of the Art Left in Sixties America, 57–99. Manchester, England: Manchester University Press: 1990.

Gaines, Malik. "City After Fifty Years' Living: L.A.'s Differences in Relation." Art Journal 71, no. 1 (2012): 88–105.

Golden, Thelma. "Post…" In Freestyle. New York: Studio Museum in Harlem, 2001.

Golden, Thelma, and Christine Y. Kim, eds. Frequency. New York: Studio Museum in Harlem, 2005.

Goldman, Shifra M. "A Public Voice: Fifteen Years of Chicano Posters." Art Journal 44, no. 1 (Spring 1984): 50–57.

Goldstein, Abby. "Profiles and Positions Sheila Levrant de Bretteville." BOMB, no. 77 (Fall 2001): 26.

Harper, Paula. "The First Feminist Art Program: A View from the 1980s." Signs 10, no. 4 (Summer 1985): 762–81.

Harrisburg, Halley K. African-American Art: 20th Century Masterworks, vols. 6–10. New York: Michael Rosenfeld Gallery, 1999–2003.

Harrison, Thomas. "Without Precedent: The Watts Towers." California Italian Studies 1, no. 2 (2010).

Henderson, Linda Dalrymple. "The Park Place Gallery and Its Artists." Archives of American Art Journal 51, nos. 1–2 (Spring 2012): 4–23.

Hughes, Langston. I Wonder as I Wonder. New York: Hill and Wang, 1956.

Hunt, Darnell, and Ana-Christina Ramon, eds. Black Los Angeles: American Dreams and Racial Realities. New York: New York University Press, 2010.

Jones, Kellie. "Black West: Thoughts on Art in Los Angeles." In New Thoughts on the Black Arts Movement, 43–74. Edited by Lisa Gail Collins and Margo Natalie Crawford. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 2006.

Keinholz, Lyn, ed. L.A Rising: SoCal Artists Before 1980. Los Angeles: California/International Arts Foundation, 2010.

Kismaric, Carole, ed. David Hammons: Rousing the Rubble. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1991.

Langston, Donna. "Black Civil Rights, Feminism and Power." Race, Gender and Class 5, no. 2 (1998): 158–66.

Lark, Raymond. "Drawings and Paintings by an Afro-American Artist." Leonardo 15, no. 1 (Winter 1982): 7–12.

Lawrence, Novotny. Blaxploitation Films of the 1970s: Blackness and Genre. Studies in African American History and Culture series. New York: Routledge, 2008.

LeFalle-Collins, Lizzetta. Noah Purifoy: Outside and in the Open. Exhibition catalogue. Los Angeles: California Afro-American Museum Foundation, 1997.

———. "Planting a Seed: The Brockman Gallery and the Village." Nka: Journal of Contemporary African Art 30 (Spring 2012): 4–15.

Lewis, Samella. African American Art and Artists. Berkeley: Star Type, 2003.

———. Art: African American. Los Angeles: Hancraft Studios, 1990.

MacSweeney, Eve, ed. Lorna Simpson: Ink. New York: Salon 94, 2008.

McCarthy, David. "Dirty Freaks and High School Punks: Peter Saul's Critique of the Vietnam War." American Art 23, no. 1 (Spring 2009): 78–103.

McKenna, Kristine. The Ferus Gallery: A Place to Begin. Göttingen, Germany: Steidl, 2009.

Monroe, Arthur. "FESTAC '77: The Second World Black and African Festival of Arts and Culture: Lagos, Nigeria." The Black Scholar 9, no. 1 (September 1977): 34–37.

Nittve, Lars, with Lena Essling, eds. Time and Place: Los Angeles 1957–1968. Germany: Moderna Museet and Steidl Verlag, 2008.

Oren, Michel. "The Smokehouse Painters, 196870." Black American Literature Forum 24, no. 3 (Autumn 1990): 509–31.

Peabody, Rebecca. "African American Avant-Gardes, 19651990." Getty Research Journal 1 (2009): 21117.

Patel, Samir S., ed. Flow. New York: Studio Museum in Harlem, 2008.

Patton, Sharon F. "Twentieth-Century America: The Evolution of a Black Aesthetic." In African-American Art, 182232. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.

Perchuk, Andrew, Thomas Crow, and Howard Singerman. "Pacific Standard Time: A Preliminary Conversation." Art Journal 71, no. 1 (2012): 837.

Perrin, Deborah, ed. Selections from the Naomi Feldman Collection: Los Angeles Art 1962–1988. California: Feldman-Horn Center for the Arts, 1998.

Peter, Carolyn, and Damon Willick. "Gallery 32 and Los Angeles's African American Arts Community." Nka: Journal of Contemporary African Art 30 (Spring 2012): 1626.

Powell, Richard J. Black Art: A Cultural History. London: Thames and Hudson, 2002.

Ramon, Ana-Christina, and Darnell Hunt. "Reclaiming UCLA: The Education Crisis in Black Los Angeles." In Black Los Angeles: American Dreams and Racial Realities, 382406. Edited by Darnell Hunt and Ana-Christina Ramon. New York: New York University Press, 2010.

Saar, Betye, and Alison Saar, comps. Secrets, Dialogues, Revelations: The Art of Betye and Alison Saar. Edited by Elizabeth Shepherd. Los Angeles: University of California, Wight Art Gallery, 1994.

Scott, Joseph W. "Ethnic Nationalisms and the Cultural Dialectics: A Key to the Future." The Review of Politics 34, no. 4 (October 1972): 55–68.

Selz, Peter. "Racism, Discrimination, and Identity Politics." In The Art of Engagement: Visual Politics in California and Beyond, 141–57. Berkeley: University of California Press; San Jose: San Jose Museum of Art, 2006.

Sharp, Charles. "Seeking John Carter and Bobby Bradford: Free Jazz and Community in Los Angeles." Black Music Research Journal 31, no. 1 (2011): 65–83.

Shaw, Gwendolyn DuBois. "Now Dig This!" Transition 106 (2011): 163–66.

Shepherd, Elizabeth, ed. Secrets, Dialogues, Revelations: The Art of Betye and Alison Saar. Los Angeles: Wight Art Gallery, 1990.

Shin, Andrew, and Barbara Judson. "Beneath the Black Aesthetic: James Baldwin's Primer of Black American Masculinity." African American Review 32, no. 2 (Summer 1998): 247–61.

Sides, Josh. "Black Community Transformation in the 1960s and 1970s." In L.A. City Limits: African American Los Angeles from the Great Depression. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003.

Smethurst, James Edward. The Black Arts Movement: Literary Nationalism in the 1960s and 1970s. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2005.

Smith, Richard Cándida. "Learning from Watts Towers: Assemblage and Community-Based Art in California." Oral History 37, no. 2 (Autumn 2009): 51–58.

Smith, R. J. The Great Black Way: L.A. in the 1940s and the Lost African-American Renaissance. New York: Public Affairs, 2006.

Springer, Julie. "Reviewed Works: Sexual Politics: Judy Chicago's Dinner Party in Feminist Art History by Amelia Jones; Beyond the Flower: The Autobiography of a Feminist Artist by Judy Chicago." Woman's Art Journal 20, no. 1 (Spring 1999): 52–54.

Taylor, Paul C. "Post Black, Old Black." African American Review 41, no. 4 (Winter 2007): 625–40.

Thompson, Robert Farris. African Art in Motion: Icon and Act in the Collection of Katherine Coryton White. Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1974.

Tyler, Bruce M. "The Rise and Decline of the Watts Summer Festival, 1965 to 1986." American Studies 31, no. 2 (Fall 1990): 61–81.

Von Blum, Paul. "Before and After Watts: Black Art in Los Angeles." In Black Los Angeles: American Dreams and Racial Realities, 243–65. Edited by Darnell Hunt and Ana-Christina Ramon. New York: New York University Press, 2010.

———. "New Visions, New Viewers, New Vehicles: Twentieth-Century Developments in North American Political Art." Leonardo 26, no. 5 (1993): 459–66.

———. "Recovering the Rubble: African American Assemblage Art in Los Angeles." Journal of Pan African Studies 4, no. 5 (September 2011).

———. "A Visual Critique of Racism: African American Art from Southern California." Tikkun 28, no. 2 (Spring 2013).

Wallace, Michele. "The Culture War within the Culture War: Race." In Art Matters: How the Culture Wars Changed America, 167–81. Edited by Brian Wallis, Marianne Weems, and Philip Yenawine. New York: New York University Press, 1999.

Widener, Daniel. Black Arts West: Culture and Struggle in Postwar Los Angeles. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 2010.

Wilkerson, Margaret. "Black Theatre in California." The Drama Review 16, no. 4 (December 1972): 25–38.

———. "Redefining Black Theatre." The Black Scholar 10, no. 10 (1979): 32–42.