Miller Robinson: Tapás ikyav, take care of, (literally) to make real
- to This is a past program
- to This is a past program
- to This is a past program
Expanding on themes of multiplicity and care, Miller Robinson’s (it/its) three-part performance, Tapás ikyav, take care of, (literally) to make real, engages the affordance and agency of materials and objects within its installation Ímah hum?, Do you see it? (2023).
During these performances, Robinson will come to the museum to rearrange the installation, subtly altering, assessing, and accumulating impact inside the gallery. Robinson’s time living, playing, and working in the museum reflects on personal rituals, responsibilities, and engagement with objects as things meant to be activated and changed, while also existing in precarious, unstable states.
Miller Robinson will hold three performances in the gallery between the hours of 11am and 6pm:
Sunday Oct 22, 2023: Part I
Sunday Nov 19, 2023: Part II
Sunday Dec 10, 2023: Part III
Ticketing: This free program is not ticketed.
Parking: Valet parking is available on Lindbrook Drive for $15 cash only. Self-parking is available under the museum. Rates are $8 for the first three hours with museum validation, and $3 for each additional 20 minutes, with a $22 daily maximum. There is an $8 flat rate after 5 p.m. on weekdays, and all day on weekends.
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