#AskACurator Day 2015
Have you had a burning question for one of our curators? Now is your chance to ask! The Hammer is excited to once again be among 800+ museums from 47 countries participating in #AskACurator Day on Wednesday, September 16.
Hammer curatorial staff will be available to answer your questions from 1–4 p.m PST. Tweet your questions to @hammer_museum and make sure to use the #AskACurator hashtag. We can't wait to hear from you.
1–2 p.m. PST: Leslie Cozzi, curatorial associate, Grunwald Center for the Graphic Arts
Leslie Cozzi is a curatorial associate at the UCLA Grunwald Center for the Graphic Arts at the Hammer Museum. In addition to working on upcoming exhibitions of works by Lawren Harris and Marisa Merz, she is also working on special projects related to the history of the museum’s collection of works on paper. She received her Bachelor of Arts from Yale University and her Ph.D. in Art History from the University of Virginia.
2–3 p.m. PST: January Parkos Arnall, curatorial assistant, public engagement
January is currently gearing up for ALL THE INSTRUMENTS AGREE: an exhibition or a concert; ENGAGE MORE NOW! A Symposium on Artists, Museums, and Publics; and Made in L.A. 2016. January can speak to questions about visual theory, socially-engaged art practice, and has a special interest in photography.
3–4 p.m. PST: Marcela Guerrero, curatorial fellow
Marcela Guerrero is working on the next Pacific Standard Time exhibition for the Hammer Museum, Radical Women in Latin American Art. Born and raised in Puerto Rico, Marcela recently earned her Ph.D. in Art History from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. ¡Le pueden enviar sus tweets en español!