Los Angeles Contemporary Archive: The Breaks
Listen to music, grab a cup of coffee, microwave leftovers, rest, and handle archival materials directly from the shelves that are organized around ideas about work, break, and pleasure. LACA staff will be on-site to provide research assistance and drink coffee.
During the breaks, staff will play new music by artists Cody Perkins, Luisa Coats, Maya Edmond, and Scott Benzel. Their tracks break down, glitch, and disrupt ambient muzak or the silence that we have come to expect in the office. In break room we gossip, drink, share research, play music, and behave with disorder, as a prerequisite to better dream and create.
Drop-in or coordinate a time with LACA. Details at www.lacarchive.com.
Ticketing: This free program is not ticketed.
Parking: Valet parking is available on Lindbrook Drive for $15 cash only. Self-parking is available under the museum. Rates are $8 for the first three hours with museum validation, and $3 for each additional 20 minutes, with a $22 daily maximum. There is an $8 flat rate after 5 p.m. on weekdays, and all day on weekends.
Read our food, bag check, and photo policies.
Read the Hammer's full COVID-19 safety guidelines.