Black Voices, Black Joy: Flipbook Tutorial
This book by Nilah Magruder tells the story of a young girl's search for an elusive fox. Want to find a fox of your own? This tutorial will show you how to make a flip book animation showing a fox coming out of its hiding place.
Grab your own copy of How to Find a Fox from the Hammer Store!

Supplies Needed:
- a pack of blank index cards
- black pen
- coloring pencils and/or markers (optional)
- binder clips
- light source*
*Your light source needs to be a surface that you can use to see through your notecards. typically this is a light table, but I will be using the light from my tablet. You can use the light from a smart phone or you can even do this against a bright window.
1. Begin by drawing a scene with pencil. Keep the scene simple, as you will have to repeat it on every card. Include a large rock, like the one in the book.

2. Using your light source, trace your first image, but this time, add a drawing of the fox paws at the top of the rock.

3. Trace the last drawing, but this time add two triangles to at the top of the rock to show the fox ears emerging.

4. Repeat, but this time, extend the two triangles. Continue this for several more drawings, elongating the triangle more and more.

5. On this next drawing, draw the top of the fox's head emerging.

6. Repeat this drawing a few more times, showing more and more of the head.
7.…then the eyes....

8….then the nose, then the shoulders.

9. Repeat all the drawings in reverse, to show the fox ducking behind the rock again.
10. Feel free to add color to the cards to bring the animation to life. When the drawings are finished attach the binder clip to the left side of the stack of cards and flip quickly through the pages to see the animation.
Tag us @hammer_museum to show us what you've made!
This project is a part of the Black Voices, Black Joy reading series co-presented with the Felipe de Neve branch of the Los Angeles Public Library. Visit the program webpage for more book titles and projects that will engage the whole family!