Catherine the Great

Libros Schmibros' core team is more than David and I.  For a year now, Catherine Fryszczyn has imposed order on chaos by wrangling herds of books, corralling large amounts of data, steering volunteers, and riding the rodeo of public events that is part of life at Libros Schmibros.  She has created ways to track all our data, and work on the daunting task of grantwriting and fundraising.  Somehow, through it all, she even manages to lasso the ever-multiplying shiny objects that David brings back to the shop and piles on the desk.

Catherine helps a patron in Westwood.

She is Phi Beta Kappa in Russian Language and Literature and experienced (despite her young years) in non-profits and educational initiatives, and is deeply committed to libraries and literacy.  Her passions include Dostoevsky, the Dewey Decimal System, good food writing, and linguistics.

--Colleen Jaurretche, co-director of Libros Schmibros