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Keynote Address: Gregg Bordowitz

  • to This is a past program

Materialist Geography and the Knight's Move

In the early nineteen eighties I was part of a young ambitious group of artists who were disgusted by the alignment of regressive politics in the White House with politics in the art world. All institutions within federal government to museums and galleries were perceived to be driven by national interests, imperialist expansion, profit motive, male supremacy, white supremacy, and heteronormativity. Rigorous analysis of the situation led to tactics of subterfuge and refusal. Still, we were not resigned. —Gregg Bordowitz

Gregg Bordowitz is an artist and writer. He is the Program Director of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago Low-Residency MFA Program.

In conjunction with the exhibition Take It or Leave It: Institution, Image, Ideology.

All Hammer public programs are free and made possible by a major gift from the Dream Fund at UCLA.

Generous support is also provided by Susan Bay Nimoy and Leonard Nimoy, the Simms/Mann Family Foundation, The Brotman Foundation of California, Good Works Foundation and Laura Donnelley, and all Hammer members.