Poetry: Glyn Maxwell
- to This is a past program
Maxwell is one of the stars of poetry across the pond and a rising presence here; this book should win him new fans. —Publisher’s Weekly, on One Thousand Nights and Counting
Glyn Maxwell is the author of several collections of poems, including Out of the Rain, for which he received a Somerset Maugham Award; Rest for the Wicked, which was short-listed for both the Whitbread Poetry Award and the T. S. Eliot Prize; and The Breakage, which was short-listed for both the T. S. Eliot and the Forward Poetry prizes.
Complimentary coffee and tea served. A book signing will follow the reading.
This series of readings is organized and hosted by Stephen Yenser, poet and professor at UCLA and author of A Boundless Field: American Poetry at Large and Blue Guide.
Poetry is supported, in part, by the UCLA Department of English and Friends of English.
Public programs are made possible by Hammer Members and the generosity of Bronya and Andrew Galef, Good Works Foundation and Laura Donnelley, and an anonymous donor.