Dance Camera West: Dance Movies
- to This is a past program
The DANCE MOViES Commission is a program launched by the Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center (EMPAC) at Rensselaer, Troy, NY to support the creation of new works in which dance meets the technologies of the moving image. These four videos represent the first works created through the 2008 DANCE MOViES Commission Program. Introduction by EMPAC curator Hélène Lesterlin. (USA, 2007-2008, 70 minutes)
Kino-Eye shadows a dancer through contemporary Moscow. Immersed in an aesthetic of video surveillance, the dancer shifts in and out of glitches and static as video playback manipulates her image. Director Joby Emmons, choreographer Elena Demyanenko,
(USA/Russia, 2008, 8 minutes)
Five young veterans from the West Los Angeles VA Combat Rehab/ PTSD program explore through metaphors, dreams and magical story telling the “invisible” disabilities associated with military service. Los Angeles choreographer Victoria Marks and UK director Margaret Williams.
(USA/UK, 2008, 18 minutes)
Propiedad Horizontal
Dancers in a narrow passageway create an elegant, abstract, and lively piece of pure movement and form. David Fariás, Carla Schillagi and Maria Fernanda Vallejos.
(Argentina, 2008, 10 minutes)
A dense and swiftly moving poem of sound and image that tells the story of a dancer growing up in Zimbabwe. Choreographed by Nora Chipaumire, directed by Alla Kovgan and David Hinton.
(USA/Zimbabwe/Mozambique/UK, 2008, 35 minutes)
ALL HAMMER PUBLIC PROGRAMS ARE FREE. Seating is on a first come, first served basis. Hammer members receive priority seating, subject to availability. Reservations not accepted, RSVPs not required.
Parking is available under the museum for $3 for 3 hours.
Public programs are made possible, in part, by a major gift from Ann and Jerry Moss.
Additional support is provided by Bronya and Andrew Galef, Good Works Foundation and Laura Donnelley, an anonymous donor, and the Hammer Programs Committee.