Hammer Forum
Eight Years Later
- This is a past program
Since leaving the Department of State, where from 2002–2005 he served as Colin Powell’s Chief of Staff, Col. Lawrence B. Wilkerson (Ret.) has been an outspoken critic of the “cabal” inside the Bush White House. A 31-year military veteran and former director of the Marine Corps War College, he worked closely with Colin Powell in the public and private sectors for over 16 years. Given his first hand experience with the inner workings of the current administration, he addresses the question, are we less strong, less safe, and less free now than we were eight years ago, from an inside perspective.
Public programs are made possible, in part, by major gifts from the Annenberg Foundation, Ann and Jerry Moss, and Mimi and Werner Wolfen. Additional support is provided by Laura Donnelley, Bronya and Andrew Galef, Erika Glazer, an anonymous donor, and the Hammer Programs Committee. Hammer Lectures are supported, in part, by the Frederick R. Weisman Art Foundation.